Field monitoring with the participation of the International Council for Science and Commercialization (ICSC) on ongoing grant subprojects
On June 16, 2022 within the framework of the Project "Stimulation of Productive Innovations" (hereinafter referred to as the Project) in order to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of two subprojects:
1) “Development of a 500 kV shunt reactor with an integrated monitoring system and implementation in production with the purpose of commercializing the results of scientific and technical activities” under the program “Productive Sector Consortia II: Industrial and scientific technological consortium” (hereinafter - PSC II);
2) “Development and implementation of a customer-oriented integrated automated system for calculating and manufacturing transformers " under the program “Grants for Senior Scientist Groups” (hereinafter - SSG)
field monitoring of the International Council for Science and Commercialization (ICSC) was carried out. Together with ICSC members Erik Azulay, Emil Martin, Basheer Chanbasha and Ayup Iskakov, the director and subproject manager of the Project Management Unit (hereinafter referred to as PMU), as well as a representative of the Ministry of digital development, innovation and aerospace industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan (MDDIAI RoK) visited the production site for the implementation of both projects – Asia Trafo LLP (Shymkent).
During the visit, a presentation was made on the current status of the implementation of activities in accordance with the Implementation Plan, the council got acquainted with the preliminary results and the difficulties and challenges encountered in the implementation of subprojects. Based on the monitoring results, the commission highly appreciated the technological readiness and commercialization prospects of both subprojects.