Nur-Sultan (Astana), Republic of Kazakhstan
53/1 Kabanbay batyr av., 53 blocks (S4)
+7 778 082 00 81

News and events

On April 12, 2022, an exhibition of projects for the commercialization of scientific developments was held in Nur-Sultan, timed to coincide with the Day of Science Workers (hereinafter referred to as – the Exhibition).

The organizers of this event were the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, “Science Foundation” JSC, “National Innovation Development Agency “QazInnovations” JSC and the Project “Fostering Productive Innovations” of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the RoK and the World Bank.

Within the framework of the Exhibition, a plenary session was held with the participation of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Tugzhanov Yeraly Lukpanovich and the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Aimagambetov Askhat Kanatovich. The speakers made a congratulatory speech, which noted the high achievements of Kazakh scientists, as well as further goals, objectives and ways of developing scientific and innovative activities. The best scientists of Kazakhstan from different fields of activity were awarded with medals and diplomas.

Three panel sessions were held, during which there was a presentation of completed and ongoing scientific projects that search for potential business partners for commercialization and scaling.

“TRENCO R&D” LLP, together with its partner “Kentau Transformer Plant” JSC, presented the project “Development of autotransformer technology 63 MVA, voltage class 220 kV with voltage regulation under load and implementation in production in order to commercialize the results of scientific and technical activities”. This project has taken a leading position in terms of commercialization indicators and was selected as an example of the successful implementation of the grant program "Consortiums of the manufacturing sector II" within the framework of the "Fostering Productive Innovation" Project. Representatives of the scientific and technical community and other participants of the event noted the high socio-economic efficiency and practical significance of the project in the development of domestic mechanical engineering.

The memorandum of cooperation between TRENCO R&D LLP and KazNRTU named after. K.I. Satbayev is signed

On March 17, 2022 in Almaty, Executive Director of TRENCO R&D LLP Kambar R.P. and Vice-Rector for Science and International Cooperation of KazNRTU named after K.I. Satbayev Shokparov A.Zh. signed a memorandum of cooperation.

The purpose of the Memorandum is to establish long-term partnership and develop effective and mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of personnel training, joint scientific research and other forms of interaction.

In addition, it is intended to jointly develop innovative products and implement scientific and technical projects. It is planned to hold conferences, seminars, round tables and other educational and scientific events in the field of education and science.

Noting the value of the upcoming cooperation, Vice-Rector for Science and International Cooperation of KazNRTU named after K.I. Satbayev Shokparov A.Zh. expressed confidence that joint efforts would contribute to ensuring a high-quality level of professional training of practical skills of university students.

Executive Director of TRENCO R&D LLP Kambar R.P. noted: “Partnership with the flagship of engineering education in our republic, the largest technical university in Kazakhstan, Satbayev University, will bring the development of fundamental and applied scientific and innovative research in the field of high technologies to a qualitatively new level. Using extensive experience, well-developed infrastructure and material and technical base, we have the opportunity to create effective solutions to urgent production problems and develop high technologies”.

Trenco R&D Company is a leading scientific and technical center, specializing in scientific and technical development of the processing industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan